What to do when you have one egg white? This philosophical question can be answered very simply : make meringue! In this case, make lemon meringue. Lemon meringue is a twist on an old classic. The lemon adds a bit of a tart flavor to the creamy meringue. Lemon meringue is our absolute favorite!
We recently made our spiced brownies inspired by the Roellinger Spice Shop in Paris. They were delicious and we thought it would be fun to present them in two ways : our classic spiced brownies and our spices brownies with a lemon meringue topping. The brownies with the lemon meringue topping were delightful – full of spice with a slightly tart twist! We also think that meringue topping is so pretty. It really adds a lovely touch to any dessert!
This recipe creates enough meringue to cover a medium (6-8 person) tart and we recommend you slather it on generously because, seriously, this lemon meringue makes every dessert taste better! We promise, you will thank us for the suggestion! 😉
Lemon meringue recipe
Tangy lemon meringue
- 1 egg white
- 50 g of castor sugar
- 3 cl water
- 1 cl of lemon juice
- Heat water, sugar and lemon juice in a pan until you reach 117° C / 243°F.
- At the same time, whisk the egg whites until they form peaks.
- When your water, sugar and lemon juice mixture has reached 117° C / 243° F, add the mixture into your egg white and keep mixing.
- Mix until your combination reaches room temperature.
- Use a blow torch to toast. (If you don’t have a blow torch you can use the grill feature on your oven to bake the meringue momentarily seriously, this takes about 10 seconds!)
Enjoy! ♥
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Patricia says
Meringue makes everything better! One of my favorite pies! Now that I’m learning the differences in measuring in the States and in Europe, I am loving your recipes for simple yet delicious pastry!
A Hedgehog in the Kitchen says
It certainly does! Thank you so much! We’re so excited to have you here in our little slice of the internet! 🙂
Patricia says
Thank you I’m happy to be here!